Les Urbaines Lausanne
Visual arts program curated by Lokal-int in collaboration with collectif rodynam and Martin Chramosta.
Futur Pôle muséal / DémArt / Espace TILT, 2013
>making of - blog >official urbaines page
Pawel Ferus (Bâle)
Bastien Aubry & Dimitri Broquard (Zurich) Hotcha und Amateur (Bienne)
Celia et Nathalie Sidler (Bâle)
VANDAG Kiosk (Bienne)
Warm glow. Un film de Marina Belobrovaja
Heiko Blankenstein (Zurich)
Emilie Guenat / Nicolas Raufaste (Lausanne / Bienne)
Veronika Spierenburg (Zurich)
Wink Witholt (Zurich)
Monsignore Dies (Bienne)
Joe La Noïze (Boudry)
Till Hillbrecht (Berne) Olivier Rossel (Bienne)
Mateo Luthy (Genève)
Livia Johann (Genève)
Nelly Haliti (Genève)
Georges Blunier (Zurich)
Ramon Feller / Matthias Liechti / Simon Fahrni (Berne)
Linus Bill / Adrien Horni (Bienne) >
Haus am Gern (Bienne)
Misha Chanelle Andris, Martina Böttiger, Martin Chramosta, Lukas Huber,
Patrick Meury, Aline Zeltner (Bâle
Laetitia Bech / Jérémy Piningre (Genève / Paris)
ZOV (Genève)
le Quartier (Bienne)
Florence Jung (Bienne)
Sarah Bernauer / Garrett Nelson (Bâle)
Navid Tschopp (Zurich)
les interventions collectif rodynam
+++ Urbaines 2013. Program visual arts ++++++ curated by Chri Frautschi/Lokal-int in collaboration with collectif rodynam (Maya Rochat, Nicolas Raufaste, Nicolas Leuba) and Martin Chramosta.
+++ Futur Pôle muséal +++ Bastien Aubry / Dimitri Broquard (Zurich), Laetitia Bech / Jérémy Piningre (Genève / Paris), Marina Belobrovaja (Zurich), Sarah Bernauer / Garrett Nelson (Bâle), Linus Bill / Adrien Horni (Bienne), Heiko Blankenstein (Zurich), Georges Blunier (Zurich) Ramon Feller / Matthias Liechti / Simon Fahrni (Berne), Pawel Ferus (Bâle) Emilie Guenat / Nicolas Raufaste (Lausanne / Bienne), Nelly Haliti (Genève) Haus am Gern (Bienne), Till Hillbrecht (Berne), Hotcha und Amateur (Bienne) Joe La Noïze (Boudry) Livia Johann (Genève), Florence Jung (Zurich) Mateo Luthy (Genève), Monsignore Dies (Bienne), Le Quartier (Bienne) Olivier Rossel (Bienne) Celia und Nathalie Sidler (Bâle), Veronika Spierenburg (Zurich), VANDAG Kiosk (Bienne) Wink Witholt (Zurich), ZOV (Genève).
+++ DémArt +++ Misha Chanelle Andris, Martina Böttiger, Martin Chramosta, Lukas Huber, Patrick Meury, Aline Zeltner (Bâle) +++ Espace TILT Renens +++ Navid Tschopp (Zurich)
The making-of Urbaines 13- BLOG: urbaines13
Official Urbaines Website:
Lokal-int / Rodynam Links: la minoterie nicolas raufastechri frautschilokal-intmaya rochat
Artsts Links:aubry / broquardjeremy piningrelaetitia bechmarina belobrovajasarah bernauerlinus bill / adrien horniheiko blankensteinramon fellermatthias liechtipawel ferusnelly halitihausamgernhotchalivia johannflorence jungmateo luthymonsignore diesolivier rosselcelia sidlernathalie sidlerveronika spierenburgvandagZOV – Olga Kokcharova / Gianluca Ruggerimartin chramostapatrick meuryaline zeltnernavid tschopp
With Hot Jam! as a title, at Futur Pôle muséal, DémArt and TILT, Chri Frautschi would like to shed light on the activities, group processes and alternative spirit of independent artist-run spaces. These off-spaces are at the center of a major movement in contemporary production, typically equipped with minimal budgets and a low degree of institutionalization, they are conducive to new artistic positions as well as to the development of new experimentations.
For Tabula, Chri Frautschi, founder and curator of the space Lokal-int Biel is accompanied by the Rodynam Collective, active recently on the former site of the mill in Orbe. Their proposition brings together disparate trends of the alternative scene. Rather than compete with the architecture and dimensions adapted to it’s industrial needs, the exhibition infiltrates the Futur Pôle muséal as a social space, encouraging meetings, creating a dialogue between artists and the public, leaving space for contradiction, completion, or competition. The meeting point held by Vandag (a kiosk) greets visitors in a building rich in adjacent areas and other nooks and hideaways. An eclectic space containing installations, sculptures paintings, works created in situ, interventions, sound installations and video works. Numerous
happenings and performances will also be part of the projects of the thirty Swiss artists throughout the three days of the festival.
Nabula.Welcome: It’s with this meaningful title that the Iranian-Swiss Navid Tschopp takes over the art space TILT in Renens. The artist invites the neighbors of TILT and the residents of the city to donate their doormats to create a large patchwork of these everyday items. Each donor is thus at the origin of this original and collective creation. Tschopp was inspired by the word Darwish - A Persian word for a mendicant. A dervish. It is deerived from the word dar "a door, the one who goes from door to door.
Fabula. Under the direction of Martin Chramosta, the 100% Basel exhibition presents an ensemble of works under the theme of the fable, one of the oldest forms of narrative : where the main roles are those of objects, animals, or plants assimilating the virtues and weaknesses of the human soul in a kind of irrational clarity, where big and small dramas are educational, with a moral epilogue. 180 m2 of these ancient halls of oil storage are initially invested by Misha Chanelle Andris, Martina Böttiger and Aline Zeltner, along with the curator to exhibit pictorial, sculptural, and installation works. Lukas Huber and Patrick Meury then add a second layer and develop their own story using sounds and lights.